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red flags

Is your relationship Facebook proof?

Is your relationship Facebook proof?

I love Facebook. It helps me build community, make friends outside my normal social circles, or stay in touch with folks I might otherwise never see but for high school reunions (that I would go to over my dead and rotting body). It also lets me stay connected to family and friends, updating me on first words, last Friday nights, engagements and estrangements, feeding my concern and my sometimes morbid curiosity.

I also, however, hate Facebook. When my inner critic logs on, my newsfeed displays nothing but evidence of everyone else's perfect life: weekend farmers markets, impromptu picnics in the park, triathlons, and vintage flea markets. In fact, I’m pretty sure everyone I know is hanging out with Gwyneth Paltrow.

But like it or not, with more than 845 million users, Facebook is here to stay.

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How your red flags will keep you together forever!

How your red flags will keep you together forever!

Let's be honest. Most of us have an ongoing list of reasons that WE JUST KNOW, render us utterly undatable, keeping us lonely forever. My list may or may not include items such as: 

  • Not exactly over my ex. 
  • I'm a total know it all. 
  • Violently competitive. 
  • Inexplicable need to use foul language around children. 

If you're like me, you keep the list in your wallet so you can show dates when there's an awkward silence over dinner. 

Others take another route, and try to hide these qualities, feeling ashamed or embarrassed of them. This plan often back-fires somewhere around the 4th month of the relationship, in which words like "sister wife," "sleep apnea machine," or "family week at rehab," enter the daily lexicon of the relationship, to your partner's astonishment and probable disappointment. 

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